
An anchor is used by ships, boats, rigs, any other type of floating object to avoid drifting due to current or wind. They are used from ancient times when anchor could be a stone dropped on the bottom until today multitude of anchors’ types. There are many types of anchors designed to satisfy specific needs for specific vessels. Heavy anchors, light anchors, stock anchors, stockless anchors and list can go on.

Types of anchors

1. Stock anchors are an old type of anchors with a superior holding power. Due to difficult stowing of such type of anchor they are not used anymore on merchant ships.

admiralty anchor

anchor elements

2. Stockless anchors are of many types and designs, having more or less holding power depending on design and scope of use. They usually have crown, flukes and palms forged in a single piece to ensure a heavy head.

See more on Anchors and anchoring

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