
Rudders, in any types and forms are used to maneuver the ship. There are many types of rudders, balanced (compensated), un-balanced (not compensated) and semi-balanced (semi-compensated) when talking about, let’s call them “classic”, rudders. They can be horn type, flap type and spade type. According to shapes and technical solution they can be shilling type, rotating cylinder type, twisted leading edge type and integrated propulsion-propeller systems as azimuth thrusters, Kappel systems, Kort nozzles, Pleuger rudder, Voigt-Schneider propellers. We will try to see few basic types.

rudders types

A rudder has to be designed to be effective for the type, size and speed of ship. A major data for rudder design is the turning circle of the ship, which influences the rudder area on the basis of the ship’s hull characteristics. After determination of rudder area to be used the shape, dimensions and suitable location must be determined to obtain the most effective hydrodynamic compromise for the real ship. Rudders are shaped as a wing with symmetrical profiles on active and passive faces.

See more on Rudder basics

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